
Epping residents have an understandable sense of pride in their community’s venerable history, schools, arts center and community-mindedness. No wonder the town’s unofficial slogan is “Epping-Center of the Universe,” as occasionally seen on bumper stickers.
From the time Epping was established in 1741, it served as a hub for local travel. Its two original settlements were to the north and west of its current town center. Many of the town’s lovely Victorian-era homes still stand along Route 27, the original east-west roadway through the town. Other major crossroads include Route 125, running north and south; the scenic Lamprey River flowing east-west through the center of town; and the Boston and Maine Railroad, with tracks going east, west and south.
These crossroads served Epping well during its brick manufacturing past-in its heyday; nine brickyards used local clay to make high-quality, water-struck bricks. Recent expansion and widening of State Highway 101 has attracted new business to sites at the intersection with Route 125.
Each year between April and October, more than 300,000 visitors travel to Epping for a day at two of the town’s businesses. Star Speedway’s NASCAR stock car oval operates Saturdays, while New England Dragway, the only 1/4-mile track in all of New England, runs races Wednesday and Friday nights and all day on the weekends. Occasional special community events are held at the tracks, including Scout bike-a-thons and local fund-raising carnivals.
Epping residents benefit from programs run by the Epping Youth Athletic Association, as well as town recreation and conservation committees. The town skating pond has a small warming house and is a popular spot for lessons in the winter.
Epping has a strong sense of history. Plumer and Prescott Roads honor two of the three governors who came from Epping. The three are William Plumer, Benjamin Prescott and David Lawrence Morrill. The Watson Academy building, a former high school, was rescued by local historians whose efforts helped place the preserved building on the Register of Historic Places. Their work also restored the town’s 80 burial grounds and cemeteries and is a model for state preservationists.
The business structure in town is widely varied, including small agricultural enterprises offering pick-your-own fruits and vegetables; wagon and sleigh rides; unique breads and crackers, made and sold in town; and landscape supplies. This unique mix is what old families and newcomers alike seem to appreciate most about Epping.
For further information, go to www.townofepping.com.
Disclaimer: Information is derived from the Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau, NH Employment Security. For more information on specific towns and services, please contact the town directly. Click Here for More Information